San Francisco - 1/97
Alcatraz Revisited
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An old gun shaft, honed into the hillside provides an ideal view of the sunset.

The expo was fun and there were lots of cool programs and Mac vendors. I can only wonder if the MacWorld expo in 1998 will be much more somber now that Apple has cut out the clone manufacturers.

Driving in San Francisco wasn't much fun, so friday afternoon the we decided to book a ride out to Alcatraz.

Jarrett watches the seals at Fisherman's Warf.

The ferry ride out to the island.

Jarrett was enjoying himself now that he was getting a chance to visit some of the sites he'd seen in movies.

What more can I say about Alcatraz? I visited there with Scott Garner a few years earlier. Then we were staying in the Palace hotel, downtown and on a much better expense account. <wink>

We had recently watched The Rock and planned on looking for all the sites from the movie.

Click here for the National Park Service Alcatraz Homepage.

We approach the mist shrouded island.

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